Saturday, 7 January 2012

New Year, New Website

Winter is the time I'm normally catching up on my website work.  Traditionally this has been a time to add the hottest new photos of the past year, and remove some of the photos wherein the people are wearing bell bottoms and Elvis sideburns.  This time around, I'm pleased to announce my entirely new website and domain, a two-in-one jobby which combines and into one elegant-yet-simple place:  This time around I am fully designing the site from scratch--no more templates.  I have been learning so much about web design these past years, that I have even designed a site or two as side projects.

I am still based in Berlin and commuting to Prague for winter weddings, portraits and events.  But rather than work on two websites individually, I've decided on one main site where you can see only the best work I've done in Europe over the past few years.  I've put a lot of time and effort into this new site, so if you happen to find this blog, please check out my new site and let me know what you think.  I am adding to it daily now, so it should be out of beta and into alpha (or is it charlie?) in no time.

As usual, I am available for event photography, weddings and portraits anywhere in Europe.  Contact me for a quote for your photography project today.  And happy new year!


  1. I like what you've done to your websites. Is it still from Microsoft, or did you develop your own self-hosted site?

  2. Well, my old praguephotographer site expired, and I made some rudimentary changes to the berlinphotographer site. That one will expire soon; it is now on 'redirect' mode to my new site, The new site is completely designed, tweaked and coded by me, completely without anything to do with Microsoft. My new site is located on a new web hosting service. I plan to keep my old domain names if they ever get around to transferring my domains to the new host. It's taking bloody AGES. Bureaucracy I guess.
